(Written for the Senior Banquet by the 1966 Senior Class officers)

Gather round friends and give me you ear,
Cause I’ve got something I want you to hear.
It’s not a story of knights who were bold.
Just a story of scummy old seniors  -- that shouldn’t
 be told.

This class of ’66 has its own history,
Some of it losses and some of it victory.
But as we look back over the past and the present,
We see three years that have been most pleasant.

So get ready to remember, because who can tell,
This time next year, we may all be in  . . . some
 other town.

We’re off on a trip of experiences galore
To the good old year of  ?? 64.
We were the largest class that Central had seen
And therefore the grass was never green.  (Would
 you believe brown?)

Central High School was big, but our class was bigger
We had the drive . . . we had the vigor.
And who can forget that first day . . . when with both feet
On the floor, we found some idiot had left off the doors.

When we remember the teachers of that grand
 sophomore year,
It brings to mind a laugh or a tear…

Some love period three the most
They all loved Mrs. Redfield; they thought she was swell
Until they were made to join the JCL.

Biologists Laswell and Perkins were there on the scene,
They tried to tell us what made the grass green

That sophomore year passed wildly and fast,
And there it was  -- summer at last.
Those summer months were filled with fun
But all too soon, the school had rung.

It was that year that we learned that regulations
 had been made,
And also that the smoking rule was never obeyed.
Central High school was run by a monarchy we heard,
And the chief was King George the III.

Some of us took typing,
But never again.
Shine on harvest moon
Was a fate worse than sin.

We tugged back to school happy and rested
Ready to be taught, lectured, and tested.
We were juniors then and glad to know
That we only had two more years to go.

Then along came Freddie, the man,
He took over the school with a big iron hand.
Before we knew it, student I.D. cards came.
Dear old fun loving, happy-go-lucky Central will
never be the same.

That junior year brings a laugh and a sigh,
At the things we had at old Central High.
They told us the water system couldn’t be beat.
Unfortunately, it only waters the street.

The teachers we had in that junior spree
Will always remain in our memory.

Mrs. Dickson taught English, and Mr. Stomach Kinslow was grand.
Mrs. Armour taught geometry – Mr. Anderson, band.

It wasn’t too long until it was spring
And everyone ordered his own senior ring.

We were on our way to being seniors no less.
The Junior Prom that year was a great success.
May 27 came – we left school with a cheer.
A perfect ending to a perfect year.

Of all the teachers we’ve had in this time
There’s one that will always stand out in my mind.
Her name and voice is one we know best.
It’s that Mrs. Fail and her darn tests.

We had tests in reading and writing galore.
We even had tests in English folklore.
But of all the puzzling tests that we made
I don’t remember getting back one good grade.

Of all the women that I have met
There’s one female teacher I’ll never forget.
Her name is Mrs. Eilers – we all know her well.
Her course in government is as hard as ----
 all get out.

And then there’s Mr. Bowen, taking the Dipps
In his white rabbit,
And peddling Keopectate on all the speech trips.

If you will recall not very long ago
Mason Candy made the show,
They sent us boxes, and boxes, and boxes of the stuff,
According to ya’ll selling was tough
And if you who have, Guy said to tell you that he
 would tell you where to go.

Our football team was going strong
We crushed ever ’team that came along – the Permian.

No more on the campus was there to be seen
That Orange and Blue object that went ring-a-ding.

Well I could go on with these tales of old,
Some of them quiet and some of them bold.
These past three years have been a sensation
Right up to the day of our graduation.

We’ll all graduate now if we don’t make a slip
And this brings us up to this Senior banquet.
So here we are, Seniors at last.
With a future before, just as bright as our past.

What we do with future, what we do in that time
Will show that we are simply proud of our prime.
We’re graduating now and it will never be the same.
We’ll never forget our first football game.

As we leave here tonight, let us say our goodbye
This is farewell to old Central High.
But as we remember how these three years have been
Let this be our motto “We finish to begin.”

President - Guy McBurnett
Vice President - Billy Roberts
Secretary - Gwen Larsh
Treasurer - Kay Bradshaw
Reporter - Jan Henderson


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