Anne Winters (Traver)
Hello class of '66! Too many years ago---I visited Japan in the summer of '67, met my future husband there (he was in the Air Force), married him in '69. Graduated from college in
'70 with a degree in Vocational Home Economics. Began teaching in 70; retired in '73 to stay home with my children--two daughters, Jennifer & Heidi. Moved to Fredericksburg in '81; started teaching again, and got a 2nd teaching field in art; divorced in '96; remarried in 2003 --got really lucky finding a wonderful guy, Doug Traver, who had the Allstate Agency in Fred.; retired from teaching in '03; now self employed as a graphic designer and loving it!

Got to design and build my dream home here in Fredericksburg; love living here--quite a place.

My oldest daughter, Jennifer, just graduated from UT Law School and is now working for a firm in Austin. Married and has a baby daughter. The younger, Heidi, lives in Fredericksburg, is married and has 2 children.

My mother still lives in San Angelo, in Park Plaza Nursing Home. I try to get out every couple of months, if not more often, to visit her. SA's really grown & is a wonderful city, still!
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