SACHS 1966 Graduates




The 50 Year Reunion has come and gone.  If you missed it, don't worry....we had such a great time, we're thinking of having a 55th!  So, please keep your contact information updated so we can be sure to reach you!


For mailing address, telephone number(s), and email address updates, please notify one of the classmates below:


Beverly Albro Cormier:

beefiec@aol.com - 325-234-0342


Linda Berman Van Sickle:

vsickle67@gmail.com - 325-234-7939


Cherryl Taylor Howard:

rchoward67@gmail.com - 325-234-1368

**************************************************************************************************************** We encourage you to join our Facebook page:  San Angelo Central Class of 1966

Upcoming reunion information will be posted there.  The site includes photo albums of past reunions as well as the album "In Loving Memory Of Our Classmates Who Left Us Too Soon".

FYI: You must be a group member to see the posts.  Click JOIN GROUP in the top right corner of the San Angelo Central Class of 1966 Facebook page.  Once your join request is approved, you will be able to view posts and photos as well as add posts of your own.

